The Sunday Session: 30th April

Tweet of the Week

Hot damn! Would you look at the state of that.

An incredible paintjob in its own right, middle-aged nerds wargamers “of a certain vintage” will be reminded of the classic cover of Deathtrap Dungeon by the legendary Ian Livingstone (co-founder of a certain FLGS in London, in case you weren’t aware). Give that man a follow.

Saw this in a library when I was about 8 years old and never looked back

If you click through and look at Scott’s timeline, you’ll see the (breathtaking) finished article, but I kinda liked the tease. So that’s the Tweet of the Week.

Off Topic

Those of us living in regional Victoria tend to think of Melbourne in the same way that Homer Simpson thinks of New York City, and we often go there only for a specific purpose and as brief a time as possible. Well I took my good lady into the city for the Melbourne Comedy Festival a couple of weeks ago, and Mick Neven’s show was excellent*.  Definitely check him out when you get the chance.

We drifted into town with no dinner plans or reservations, and just wandered around staring at tall buildings until we found something we liked the look of – which on this occasion was Bornga Korean Barbecue.

The joint was absolutely rammed – they must be doing something right, considering it was a Wednesday night – and we had a ball:

  • I loved it because I was washing down fistfuls of delicious meat with cheap red wine
  • My wife loved it because there were virtually no carbs in the entire building: it’s pretty much meat and salad

Then you’ve got the theatre and fun of how it’s served up. If you want to treat your better half right, take them to Korean barbecue.  Good times guaranteed.

Yay! Another fucking Discord

If you told me that the world doesn’t need another generalist AOS Discord, I would have to agree. Coach has got a huge community talking all Sigmar, all the time and there’s no point trying to fracture that conversation. There are a bunch of others too but frankly I wouldn’t bother with any of them – Coach’s Discord is where it’s at.

So we’re branding our own Discord as The Dojo: specifically focused on list building and list feedback, with competitive advice from the Plastic Craic team. We’ve also got a dedicated Hobby Dojo room for painting advice and updates.

If you want to chat shit there’s an off topic room too, and we’ll be starting out with one Dojo room per GA, with a view to expanding that out to individual factions once we’re not just talking to each other in there our community expands. So if you want to join us, jump on the Patreon at the link below: every Patreon tier comes with Dojo access.

Why does a bee have sticky hair?

Because they use a honey-comb.

The Shoutout

Our very own AOS Pete has started up a Twitch stream, with the USP that he’ll be bringing on guests from around the AOS community who wouldn’t necessarily be household names or get a platform elsewhere.  Pete’s a good egg so go check out his channel – there’s a good chance you’ll see other members of the PC team guesting on there too in the future.

The Week Ahead

We’ve got a full slate of content scheduled here on Plastic Craic:

  • Our hobby content kicks off in style, with Sean explaining his creative approach via his Cancon 2023 Coolest Army-winning Waaaghnarok project
  • The Plastic Craic team reviews the Regiments of Renown. Are they cool? Are they any good? Are they at least better than the 2019 Mercenaries?
  • And we’ve got a real banger on mastering the Priority Roll coming out around the middle of the week. This is an absolute epic, and not to be missed.

Hopefully you’ll enjoy this week’s slate and there’ s plenty more to look forward to.  So if you value what we do, and you are in a position to contribute, we’d love to have your support over on Patreon.  And even if not, keep reading the articles, keep sharing them around and keep attacking that grey plastic.

Have a good week, nerds – see you on the other side.

*Our boy Pat’s brother is a full-time professional comedian, in case you were wondering

If you’d like to help us continue with our work, we’d love to have your support. We’re the Age of Sigmar specialists, publishing regular AOS articles, including Patron-only posts on that platform. Please click here to join us on Patreon.

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