Blasting into 4th Ed with a Spearhead Hobby Challenge

by Seanzor

Well the time is nearly here to welcome 4th Edition, and with that comes a special hobby challenge which is open to all Patrons. To join, you’ll need to grab a Vanguard box / Spearhead that you’ve currently got unpainted and get ready to embark on a journey to paint / model / convert them with a fellow crew of hobbyists.

We’ll have a special channel in our Craichouse Discord where you can share your progress, and I’ll be adding those updates to regular hobby articles here on the website every few weeks, so you can share it with the hobby world!

Credit: GW

How It Works

Step 1: If you’re not already a Plastic Craic Patron, sign up for the Patreon to get access to the Discord
Step 2: Grab an unpainted Vanguard / Spearhead Box, take a picture and post your first photo into the Spearhead channel on the Craichouse Discord anytime from July 1st onward. Note: Minis that are already assembled or primed are fine, and if you’ve painted a small handful of the models that’s OK too. But it’s a hobby challenge so at least the majority of your force should be unpainted. If you’re not sure, let’s chat about it in the Discord – the aim here is to go on a hobby journey together.
Step 3: Paint your force from July 1st to August 31st and post your pictures in the Discord channel every week or so, with the intention of having the whole thing done by the end of August. That’s a 2-month window and we’ll be running hobby hangouts across these two months where people can hop in, talk shit and work on their projects together.
Step 4: No matter what you get done, remember you’ve achieved a lot! But there will be some prizes given away at the end including hobby supplies, models and more.

Pretty sure there’s a Kruleboyz Spearhead in here somewhere

This will be a great opportunity to welcome the new edition, blast into a new faction / new project and enjoy being part of the Plastic Craic community. As mentioned above, I will be doing fortnightly hobby progress articles here on the website that will let us share all this epic progress together. Something like the Tale of Four Gamers from WD, but instead it could easily be the tale of Forty Gamers if we all jump in! The writing team will be getting involved too, so we can’t wait to see all your Spearhead projects come to life!

If you’d like to help us continue our work, we’d love to have your support. Plastic Craic are 100% Age of Sigmar specialists, publishing regular AOS articles and Patron-only posts. Our Tiers are set to be within everyone’s reach, so please click here to join us on Patreon.

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